home Artists of Fedoskino
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Rambler's Top100
Продажа квартир в Москве и Сочи. Продажа и
аренда офисов, торговых площадей, зданий и коттеджей. Права на землю,
инвестиционные контракты на ее застройку.

LAST UPDATE: 16.05.2009
    Welcome to our shop of Fedoskino miniature painting!
    Boxes, paintings and icons which are at present available are presented in the shop . Receipt of new works, updating of assortment and change in our shop will weekly occur.
   All works of our shop are divided on a price category:

Lacqer boxes of young artists Lacqer boxes to $600 Lacqer boxes from $600 to $1200 Lacqer boxes from $1200 and more
Lacqer boxes
of young artists
Lacqer boxes and icons to $600 Lacqer boxes
from $600 to $1200
Lacqer boxes and panno from $1200 and more

Special orders:

We make portraits to order Is under construction
portrets to order We illustrate books
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